Product Release Notes / ChangelogTechSuite Windows App 1.0.4
New Features!
Offline Mode: TechSuite can now be run offline. We've added new UI elements that display whether you're or offline and prevent you from running online only features when you're offline. We've also added the ability to download tools while you're online so you can prepare for offline use of TechSuite (located in the Settings page) While offline you can run any tools or procedures that have all their components downloaded. You can switch from Offline mode back to online by clicking the "Offline" button on the bottom of the TechSuite navigation bar
New "In Progress" view: We've completely revamped the Procedure progress page. When running a tool or procedure there is a whole new interface for viewing what's currently running including App branding logos and the ability to view tool descriptions and modes. The Procedure tool list has been moved to a new window which you can view by clicking the "Tool Details" button on the "in Progress" page. We've also added individual Tool run times so you can see how long a specific tool has been running.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed misc. crashes due to .NET errors
TechSuite Windows App 1.0.2
New Tools!
We worked with our friends over at Emsisoft to get you Emsisoft Anti-Malware Commandline version as a part of TechSuite, included at no additional cost! You can now run it through TechSuite to scan for and remove malware.
We built a new tool called "ProcessHawk" that scans for unnecessary processes and kills them. It can be run before scanning for malware in order to speed up scanning and get malware processes out of the way.
We've added a new tool called "Diagnose Printer Issues". We built it to scan all available printers and diagnose issues, and clear the printer spool.
New Features!
The "New" button used for creating a new Custom App has been moved to a more visible location. Instead of having to select the "My Apps" category to view the "New" button, you can see the button as soon as you open the Tools page
Browse for Local Apps now supports Zip files. When this feature was first released it could only upload and support single file applications. Now you can browse for Zip files if the Local App you want to use is stored that way.
Updated Default Procedures to include new Tools.
Bug Fixes:
When a tool was run on a version of Windows it was not supported on, the report came up empty. This caused the report to look as though there was a problem running the tool. Now when a tool is run on an OS it doesn't support, it says so in the report.
Added support for Windows Vista machines that have .NET version 4.0 or greater. Previously, tools were not running on Vista because it was not supported.
Windows Defender is no longer part of the AntiVirus warning during the TechSuite startup checks.
Tool reports are no longer written to the debug log. This was causing slowdown during procedure runs and making the debug logs very very big.
Improved error handling: The UI no longer pops an annoying Windows error message when something small goes wrong in the app.
We're now automatically collecting error information when something goes wrong in the app. This should lead to faster fixes, and you we'll need less debug logs.
Kabuto 1.2.7
You can now pick your own style colors for Kabuto via the Kabuto online dashboard.
Added a new uninstall code form that prompts your client with a code entry in order to uninstall Kabuto from the client machine. Uninstall code can be found on the Kabuto online dashboard.
Fixed a pesky issue causing Emsisoft Anti-Malware to show expired key.
Fixed a windows patch management bug that caused the update schedule to not get set properly.
TechSuite Windows App 1.0.1
TechSuite Release Notes 1.0.1 ---------------------------------- Big Speed and Stability Improvements! -Improved the way TechSuite Windows App creates processes for running tools. This should fix the issue where tools would run forever because of PID issues. It also should improve speed for running each tool. -Removed piping of all console output to debug log. This was slowing down running apps, and creating massive debug logs. -Increased status updates per second. When tools are running it shows a string of text at the bottom to show what it is doing. This was previously updated once per second, which gave the impression sometimes that tools were running slowly. We increased the frequency to 4 times per second. -Added ability to clone Procedures. On the "New Procedure" page there is now a link to "Load Procedure" as a starting point. -Miscellaneous other bug fixes.
TechSuite Windows App 1.0
Hosted Custom Apps: Phase 2 of our Local Custom App feature is complete! Our new "Hosted Custom App"feature carries over all the functionality from Phase 1 (browsing for your local application) and adds web syncing. When you add a local application by browsing, TechSuite will sync the application to our storage server. The tool is still saved locally and can be immediately used for offline use or without needing to download anything. However you will no longer have to keep track of whether or not you have the file locally, if TechSuite runs the tool and doesn't find the file, it will download the synced version, no effort required! Rearrange Procedures: By popular demand! There is now an "order" button above the procedure list on the Procedures page that allows you to rearrange the list of procedures (via drag and drop). Once saved the new order will be synced with TechSuite Dashboard and remain consistent amongst all your instances of TechSuite. Rearrange Tools: The tool list displayed when building a procedure can now be rearranged by dragging and dropping the tools to the desired location, Other New Features: - TechSuite now has startup checks for .NET version and Antiviruses and will warn you accordingly - Mode names now appear on Procedure run page in Procedure list - New Visuals for System Information - Insights now viewable through system information page - New Walkthrough for first time use of TechSuite - Startup password is now web synced to the TechSuite Dashboard - All Techsuite folders are now generated in a folder called TechSuite next to the TechSuite executable (after the update you'll see your old folders still in the same directory as before, you can drag them into the new TechSuite folder and replace the contents to keep your existing tools and reports) - New branding and color - new report parsers added for various tools Bug Fixes: - Report table can now be sorted properly - Removed tools causing TechSuite to pause indefinitely in Procedure Run - Skip and Stop are now disabled while a report is being generated - Settings page now loads the "General" tab first - Procedures and tools that have long names no longer get cutoff when displayed - After saving custom app, you are returned to the My Apps section instead of the first category - Search can now be cancelled by clicked an X that appears in the search bar
Kabuto 1.2.6
Windows Patch Management is now available as a part of Monitoring at no additional fee.
New UX for Requests Page
Various Bug Fixes
Kabuto 1.2.5
Good news for anyone who has ever helped us in the past to get log files from problematic devices, we now just need to know the device ID and we can fetch the logs ourselves. Thanks for all your help!
If you make changes to a client's data on the dashboard, that information will now be reflected on the clients app
We now post the current version of apps to the dashboard even if that app fails to update.
A small edge case where Managed AV scan logs were not being uploaded correctly has been resolved
When a Kabuto device checks in with our server, it would occasionally shut down. We've removed that behavior.
In our last release, we were accidentally using .NET 4.5 calls, we've adjusted to use 4.0 from now on.
Kabuto 1.2.4
Fixed a bug where EAM key was not being saved properly on some devices.
Consolidated calls to Kabuto Online Dashboard
Kabuto 1.2.3
Added more applications to Kabuto Patch Management, complete list below:
Adobe AIR
Adobe Flash Player Active X
Adobe Flash Player Plugin
Adobe Flash Player PPAPI
Adobe Reader
Foxit Reader
Google Chrome
Google Drive
Irfan View
Mozilla Firefox
Sublime Text 3
Web of Trust for IE
You can now bring your own Key for Kabuto Managed Antivirus. If you bring your own Emsisoft key, you can input it on install, and it will use that instead of one we provide. This lowers your cost frmo $2.00/month per device to $0.50/month per device, since you're bringing your own key.
You can now input your own key via the Kabuto Installer, as well as the Kabuto Online Dashboard.
You can now see the expiration date of your EAM license from the Online Dashboard (if you brought your own).
Fixed an issue where the online dashboard was having trouble loading Installed Applications.
Kabuto 1.2.2
Patch Management added for supported apps (managed via dashboard)
Added Patch Management switch to setup installer
Defrag trigger now checks for SSD and ignores them
Improved scan log gathering for Managed Antivirus
Device manager trigger now filters out less important errors
Fixed issue in Installer that required .NET 4.5
Miscellaneous bug fixes and backend improvements to Kabuto