What’s New in This Release
With unflagging determination and a fiery passion bordering on religious fanaticism, Garrett has released more of that good ol’ TechWARU for you. Erik is also on fire, pumpin’ out the jams with a new version of TechUSB. This release is heavy on the bug fixes, but don’t worry, there are still a few new features that are killer.
New Feature:
- TechWARU now sends more information to the Bench on your TechPortal dashboard so you can now see the size of the queue and it’s progress as well as intermittent screenshots of the desktop being repaired.
- Fixed intermittent error causing update system to fail with ‘permission denied’ error.
- Update 3rd Party tools is back after going through some fixes. It can be found in the Options page under Tool Settings or run from the Manual Tools dropdown.
- Fixed the memory stage which used to fail with no error message. It turns out that Linux was occasionally killing the process for using “too much memory” and we were reporting that as a failure. Now we catch that error and try again with less memory.
- Fixed a condition that prevented the startup executable from downloading and running. You can upload a Linux executable to download and run when TechUSB first starts on the integrations page of TechPortal.
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