New Features! - Technician Authentication Each Technician on your account will now have their own Authentication code. No longer do you have to select which Tech is running TechWARU when it loads. Starting in v1.4.1 when you authenticate with your own code TechWARU will know which Technician you are and display this in place of the previous dropdown box. In addition to this we have added a Sign Out button on the Options page if you would like to switch Techs. Your authentication code can be found on the Downloads page of your TechPortal. Fixes: - added individual Tech authentication - added sign out button on home page and in options page - added new labels at the bottom to denote which tech is logged in and customer/work order if it has been entered - fixed issue with Reset Networking tool working incorrectly on Windows 7 - Report now displays elapsed time in highest reached time metric - cleaned up startup UI and reduced startup load time - fixed issues with TechWARU trying to run on Windows startup after it had been removed from the PC - added new label at the bottom of the screen which displays if a tool has special automation (Currently only for malware removal) - fixed major issue causing TechWARU updates to fail on USB drives - fixed stability issues with update system - Overhauled Malwarebytes code to be much smoother and fixed bugs preventing it from being run. MBAM no longer has to be downloaded through Ketarin - Added new RepairTech presets for Tuneup and Malware - Redid RepairTech Standard preset - Fixed bug in Command Line mode causing Customer Name and Work Order to be ignored - Added message noting that HDD Scan does not work on Windows 8 Added the following new tools:
Network Password Recovery -> recovers all network passwords stored on system PstPassword -> recover lost password for Outlook PST file InstalledCodec -> displays list of all Codec drivers and DirectShow filters DiskSmartView -> retrieves S.M.A.R.T. information from disks WinCrashReport -> displays Windows Crash reports in table format WhatInStartup -> displays all programs that run at startup DevManView -> displays devices and their properties in table view NetworkInterfacesView -> displays list of all network adapters/interfaces installed on system WinUpdatesList -> dispalys list of all Windows updates on local computer InstalledDriversList -> lists all device drivers that are installed on system CurrPorts -> displays list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports WirelessKeyView -> recovers all wireless network keys stored in your computer