We’ve been thrilled to see everyone’s interest in Kabuto since we launched it in August, but without a doubt, one question has been on a lot of techs’ minds: “Kabuto’s great and whatnot, but where’s the anti-malware bits?”
We asked techs which antivirus would be best to include in Kabuto. The vote was almost unanimously cast for Emsisoft. After doing the ol’ due diligence to understand Emsisoft and learn about their company and technology, we came to agree with the techs out there, and forged a partnership with Emsisoft for Kabuto’s Managed Anti-virus component.
Emsisoft is powered by a dual engine malware scanner for twice the malware annihilation power, with no extra resource requirements! If you want to learn more about them, I highly recommend you check them out here: https://www.emsisoft.com/en/
Ok, let’s talk about the cold hard cash. How much will it cost, you ask? $2.00 per device per month. Kabuto Managed Anti-virus will be offered as an add-on just like Kabuto Device Monitoring. Simple, eh?
Now, since I’m still reading your mind, I know you’re thinking:
“All these announcements are great and all, but when can I actually use this stuff!? When can I start obliterating my clients’ malware to my heart’s content? When can I finally use Kabuto complete the holy trinity of supporting customers remotely, getting paid stacks of cash, and utterly erasing malware from existence?”
To help ease your soul and give you a timeframe, we’re aiming to release this in 1 month. After the holidays, by the dawn of 2016, you’ll be geared up do even greater things for your customers and for your business.
We’re extremely excited about how this release is shaping up and we’re eager to continue working with Emsisoft to get a solid solution out there. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to the official release. Stay tuned, mates!