When it comes to running a business and developing software, there are a ton of key elements that are crucial to becoming successful. However, we’ve learned that there is one factor that stands above the rest when it comes to building an outstanding product: Customer Feedback.
The valuable and critical feedback that we’ve received from tons of hardworking techs has allowed us to get our tools to the point they’re at. We’ve saved countless hours (and have been alerted of countless bugs…) because of awesome techs who were willing to help us improve.
We care dearly about new ideas and feature requests for TechSuite, so we’ve created a new way for technicians to influence our direction as we move forward. We’re calling it the Dev Queue.
The Dev Queue is a public Trello board that you can use to see what new features we’re working on and overall, help us prioritize what we develop so we build the right things the soonest.
With the Dev Queue you can:
- View our development schedule
- Add feedback or feature requests
- Make comments
- Upvote and downvote ideas
- Influence the very fate of RepairTech!
We’re going to add toolbar items in TechWARU and TechUSB for you to access the Dev Queue straight from the tools, so you can mention an idea or a bug as it is still fresh in your mind. We’re excited to see how it evolves!
To access the Dev Queue now and see what its like, click the following link:
Click Here to View the Dev Queue
We look forward to your help in making our tools even more epic in 2015!